Sunday, 28 February 2010

Just A Couple of Things....

So I made it to the Bull Ring in Birmingham yesterday to pick up a mineralize skinfinish natural and the select cover-up concealer. I decided in the medium dark shade in the powder as I already had medium plus. I really like the colour but definately gets darker throughout the day... Does anyone know if the shade in medium is darker or lighter than the medium plus? When i emailed an artist they said medium was darker than the medium plus, which isnt logical really.

I couldnt really decide on the concealer. The nc30 in this concealer looked more muddy/brown as opposed to the nc30 in the studio finish concealer which looks more golden...anyone agree? I felt the nc23 the next lightest shade in the select cover was maybe a tad too light. She put them both on me and to be honest the light in selfridges is rubbish and they both looked very similar on the skin. However on my hand in daylight, nc30 too dark and nc23 too light!! Help!!

Just wondering if anyone got the mac graphic garden brush sets, i really want the makeup bag they came in and wondered if anyone has it and doesnt want it and would be prepared to sell it to me??

Finally just a few youtube ladies you should def check out, "lette76" and "lexxielove", there videos are fab! x

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